Monday 7 February 2011

Crafty News

Greetings from the Crafty News Desk + Updates
Another windy day here in Dublin.

For this weeks article I am bringing you links to websites which I have found interesting and some upcoming events that have come into the crafty news desk.  If you have other links that you would like to share add them to the comments below or contact me directly and I will add them to the article.


Craft Council - Ireland
Craft Council - Northern Ireland
I Support Irish  New Website promoting Irish Crafts -closing date for entries on the site is 10 February
cultureireland  State Agency for the promotion of Irish Arts worldwide
creativecareers   jobs and opportunities website for the Arts/Creative Sector
textileblog   blog on textile history
create-ireland The National Development Agency for Collaborative Arts. News, events and InRes, a funding and employment listing for the arts.
ravelry  an amazing resource for anyone involved in knitting, crochet, spinning - anything to do with wool...
Vaireland  The Voluntary Arts Ireland site is  great for arts information, projects and jobs
craftinireland  Updates & news on the "year of craft 2011"   


Butler Gallery Talk   In Conversation on 'intertwining of the worlds of fine art and craft' in Butler Gallery
ards-arts-centre   exhibition of textiles in February
Sligo Festival  Food and Craft Festival coming up in March
jewellery-and-goldsmithing-skills-and-design-course  intersting course on  23 February

Short and sweet this week.
As always keep your news items coming in.

See you next week


  1. Interesting resources there. Thanks Mo.

  2. Thanks Mo for the list of arts & crafts sites - I'll definitely check them out!

    The Voluntary Arts Ireland site is also great for arts information, projects and jobs:

  3. thanks for the list Mo - one more to add
    it has updates & news on the "year of craft 2011" :)

  4. Thanks ladies for your comments. Your links have been added to the post.
    Cant believe I forgot the Year of Craft link - thanks for the remind.
