Saturday, 25 September 2010

Tea and a Chat: Bridget from Bridget Farmer Prints

Hola!  Welcome everyone to 'Tea and a Chat With' on this fine Saturday.  Today we are delving into the creative mind of Bridget from BridgetFarmerPrints who administers Eyes Open Ireland, another wonderful series on this here blog!  Put the kettle on....

Tell us a bit about what you do?
I am mainly a printmaker who has other projects on the go all the time, that's why I currently have four, yes four, etsy shops.  I agree it is one or two too many.  I find it difficult to stick with just one thing, although I long to do so.  I call my printmaking work my 'serious' work.  It mainly involves copper plate etching which I do in the Belfast Print Workshop.  I'm also really into Artist Books.  That is, artist made books as a form of art. 

If you weren’t a crafty type, what would you be doing?
Probably something to do with birds but I think I would be very frustrated not being about to make things.

Any amazing blogs that you’d like to share?
I love Sue Brown's blog, she's a printmaker in England and her work is so beautiful.

I also love my friend Anna's blog of Able and Game.  She and her partner make cards that are very witty and so is their blog, well worth a read.

And Jenny of Yarn Soup, her work is just gorgeous!

What are your top 5 films of all time?
Oh gosh, ummm, well, Little Miss Sunshine, I've never laughed so much in a cinema, or for weeks after thinking about it.
One from my childhood, The Princess Bride, brilliant ...'my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die!'
A good old one from my teenage years Dead Poets Society, my friend and I used to act out the final scene behind the curtain in the gym when we should have been playing badminton in P.E class. 'Oh captain my captain'
Recently I watched Bright Star.  I never let myself cry in films if other people are around, but I watched this while on a plane to Australia.  It was during the volcano incident so there were very few people on this plane and I had no one around me, it was night, it was dark and I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed, tears flowing freely.  Brilliant!
I really really liked Stranger Than Fiction, even though I don't like Will Farrel it is one of my favourite films and he is very UN Will Farrel in it.  Maggie Gyllenhaal and Emma Thompson are great in it.

What was your mother always right about?
I made a book about this, you can see it here!

Lastly some linky goodness, where can we find you?

Blog -
Facebook -

and all those etsy shops!!

Nice one Bridget, easy on those shops now!  Thanks for reading and see you for the next posting y'all!

Angela (a.k.a. artysmarty


  1. 4 shops - too many? Nah we won't send you to Etsy Anonomous just yet :)

  2. Hahahaha, Etsy Anonymous! I already find two shops plus one stall once a month enough - there has to be time for knitting :)

    Great to find out more about a fellow team member.
    I love the Dead Poets Society! Such a great film!

  3. 4 Shops!! How do you do it???
    Fair play to you girl :)

    The Princess Bride is one of my favourites too.

  4. And that's a great pic too, I have to get someone to take an arty pic of me where I'm not fully in it or it doesn't really look like me.
