Sunday, 20 June 2010

"Crafty Update" Hat......

Greetings on a wonderful Sunny Sunday.

As I step up to the mike wearing the "Crafty Update" hat I pause on the first step..... What information do I have to pass on to the eagerly awaiting audience? Not really sure of my facts yet. I have done some trawling through various web sites and twittered like an inquisitive robin - but still not sure. So how do I proceed?

I need your help!
Calling all CraftyIrelandTeam crafters..... I am proposing to post a weekly update of whats coming up around the country, like a Calendar of Events. Also it will have a list of the latest giveaways etc. from your shops. I am especially interested in any classes/courses both short and long that our wider audience might be interested in. So get the thinking caps on and contact me please. For the moment just get in touch through my shop I need to learn a bit more about using blog/web/email/twitter/facebook to sort out a more direct link.

Looking forward to hearing from you all.
aka Huggleknits


  1. I'm gonna make a button now for the sidebar, so people can click that if they want to send you crafty news. Thanks a million for doing this!!

  2. Thanks a mill, that will make it easier. I am still on my learning curve.....

  3. I also just added you to the contact us list in the tabs section too
