Sunday, 1 July 2012

The Difference is in the Detail

Hi there. Anne-Marie of Handmade by Amo'r here after a long break from posting on the Etsy Ireland team blog. I've been running this series of articles, The Difference is in the Detail on my own blog over the past few months and thought it appropriate material for the team blog.  
For me, What makes a handmade item stand out from mass produced is not only the quality of the work and the love that goes into it, but also those little extra details. I've been searching team members shops for those fabulous details to highlight.

 After a wee discussion with our current blog editor, Caroline of Handmade by Cari Design , I decided to bring the series the team blog. I will be re-using some or all of the items I already featured on my own blog (but not in the same order) as well as new ones to spread the love.

 Good photos are essential to get featured in this series. The main photo does not necessarily have to be a close up of detail, but I will probably notice that type of photo first so it helps. It will also help me find your items if you tag them with the team search term craftyirelandteam


  1. what wonderful details!
    thanks, Anne-Marie! :) love this idea!

  2. Beautiful Anne-Marie - it's what makes handmade wonderful !!
    Delighted to be included.
    'Details details' are the 'location location' of handmade !!!

  3. You're welcome. This series will run every second Sunday for the summer.
