Tuesday, 11 May 2010

For All The Gray's

I am delighted to announce there is Etsy West Treasury featuring our fab team. As I always say lets make it HOT HOT HOT! To make it HOT click on all the images once make a comment and post it to all your interested friends. Thanks in advance


  1. Clodagh, I am beginning to suspect you lurk in the Treasury 24 hours a day! Phenomenal amount of snagging going on there. Are you really a vampire who never sleeps?!?!? Impressive indeed and thanks for putting so much energy into Treasuries for the team.
    Cheers, Alex

  2. Yes Clodagh you're great! You seem to have the treasury snagging skill absolutely mastered! Well done and thank you :)

  3. I'm very excited! Thanks for including my photograph "An Invincible Summer" - it has led to my first sale on Etsy!

    I love looking through your treasuries - thank you :)

    Linda, clickdecourcyNI

  4. Well done Linda @ clickdecourcyNI, that's brilliant. Hope there are many more sales to come.
